
Temple's first president, 拉塞尔·康威尔, was pastor of Grace Baptist Church and founder of Temple College. 临时董事会于10月14日选举他为学院院长, 1887, and he served until December 6, 1925, the date of his death. Read his famous "数英亩的钻石" speech.

This page is excerpted from Hilty, James. PG电子试玩平台:为费城、国家和世界服务125年. Philadelphia: PG电子试玩平台 Press, 2010. Pages 3–5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 25, 45.


坦普尔的建立主要是一个人的功劳,而不是一个工业领袖, but a captain of erudition, an educational entrepreneur—who sought to democratize, persify and widen the reach of higher education.

罗素·赫尔曼·康威尔的人生故事和他对PG电子试玩平台的渴望与PG电子试玩平台学生的个人生活叙事产生了共鸣, 教师, 教职员及校友. He is connected to us all. 康威尔 played many roles—as an actor, 表演者, 杰出的演说家, journalist and editor, 律师, 部长, 教育家, real estate speculator, 启动子, entrepreneur and founder of PG电子试玩平台.

2月15日出生, 1843, 罗素·康威尔(拉塞尔·康威尔)在马萨诸塞州西部伯克郡(Berkshires)一个350英亩的艰苦农场长大, near South Worthington, about 15 miles from Westfield, 质量.

1861年,康威尔离开家,进入耶鲁大学,计划在那里学习法律. 为了挣学费,他在学校附近打了好几份工,但实际上只花了几个月的时间来上课.

When Civil War broke out, 康威尔 returned to 质量achusetts, where he proved a persuasive recruiter for the Union cause, 发表激动人心的爱国演讲,让年轻人当场入伍. Credited with recruiting an entire company of volunteers, 虽然只有19岁, he was elected captain, 公司F, Forty-sixth 质量achusetts Volunteer Militia. 公司F was mustered out in July 1863, after seeing light action. 康威尔于8月重新入伍,被任命为D连的上尉, 第二个团, 质量achusetts Heavy Artillery.

回家, 康威尔 read the law with a local 律师, 1865年春,他进入奥尔巴尼大学法学院并获得法学学士学位.

In 1876 he formally committed to the ministry, 成为列克星敦一个脆弱的浸信会教堂的全职牧师, 质量., immediately reviving it and putting it on its feet financially. 康威尔 was formally ordained in 1879 at the Newton Seminary.

1882年11月,拉塞尔·康威尔接受了费城格雷斯浸信会的牧师职位,并于2004年搬到了牧师的住所. 公园大街. 康威尔的能源, 组织能力和天赋的演讲吸引了许多新教友, 很快,教堂就没有足够的空间来容纳所有希望在教堂做礼拜和聆听天才的人了, entertaining and motivating pastor. 他刚到,教区居民就开始讨论是否需要再建一座, 更大的教堂.

当康威尔到达费城时,他已经在肖托夸巡回演讲中获得了名气, a traveling tent show that visited towns in America’s heartland, presenting musical performances, 戏剧, political speeches and spellbinding orations, such as 康威尔’s “数英亩的钻石” lecture, 一部分布道, part dramatic recitation, part autobiographical recounting and always entertaining. 根据康威尔的统计,他一共发表了6152次演讲,这一事实也被收录在了里普利的《PG电子试玩平台》一书中. Tirelessly delivered in conversation style, “数英亩的钻石” was a morality tale of the value of education, 对新教伦理的忠诚以及对家庭和社区服务的重视.

康威尔的信息有一个更大的目的,超越了当代的智慧. 他强调,通往个人成功的道路主要是教育. 受过教育的人, 反过来, 我们有义务为不幸的人服务,帮助他们实现自己的全部潜力吗. Further, it was the duty of all to meet the needs of the community. “We must know what the world needs first,康威尔说, “and then invest ourselves to supply that need, and success is almost certain.为了满足这些需求,康威尔最初利用他的教会接触到费城北部的所有人——其中许多是穷人,许多是新移民——提供精神上的支持, 娱乐, 社会生活, economic assistance and instruction in basic life skills. 渐渐地,他把精力集中在满足他认为最重要的需求上, 即教育.

One Sunday evening in 1884, Charles M. 戴维斯是一名年轻的印刷工,他找到康威尔,向他请教如何为布道做准备. Davies had little money or formal education. 康威尔 offered to teach him. 戴维斯带来了一个朋友,然后是六个,康威尔在他的书房里辅导他们. Shortly after, the number grew to 40. 康韦尔找到了志愿者教师,并把课堂从他的书房搬到了教堂的地下室. 大量的辅导课或短期课程一直持续到1887年秋天, 康威尔在讲坛上宣布天普学院正式成立,并制定了正式的课程表.

With the aid of pamphlets prepared by Davies, 消息传遍了中城和工人阶级社区,称格雷斯浸信会教堂和天普学院“距离雇用30人的工厂很近”,000名工人”和半小时车程的马车从哪里“180,000 working men and working women” were employed. Two hundred prospective students signed up in the first month.

1888年5月14日,天普学院由州政府特许成立. Its stated purpose was “the support of an education institution, intended primarily for the benefit of Working Men.” In 1891 the charter was amended to read “primarily for the benefit of Working Men; and for men and women desirous of attending the same.大学目录上写着:“普通学费是免费的。.“此外, 目前入学不要求以前的学习成绩, 因为教师的宗旨是帮助任何有抱负的年轻人, without especial reference to previous study.”

Temple College was more than a place, 这不仅仅是一次老师和学生的聚会,而是一个大胆的新想法, a transforming concept. “神庙理念”,康韦尔解释道, is to educate “workingmen and workingwomen on a benevolent basis, 学生所付出的代价仅仅足以增强他们对学校优势的欣赏.”

The first commencement was held in June 1892. 康威尔的演讲班有18名毕业生被授予演讲学士学位. Four women were among those receiving degrees. The college also received authority to award honorary degrees, and one of the earliest recipients was 康威尔, who received doctor of pinity and doctor of laws degrees.

坦普尔大学在1907年开始了戏剧性的转变,当时它被合并为一所大学,次年,宾夕法尼亚学院和大学理事会将坦普尔大学列为该州的高等教育机构之一. Finally recognized as a bona fide postsecondary institution, PG电子试玩平台 set a new course, 一个深受新兴职业的正式培训兴趣的影响, 比如教育, 商业和健康, 以及对法律专业的正式培训和许可, 医学和牙科作为独立专业学校的吸引力消失了.

康威尔 died December 6, 1925. (他和他的妻子莎拉)被隆重安葬在康威尔大厅旁边的一个小院子里. 1968年,遗体被悄悄地移走,重新埋在校园中心一个可爱的口袋花园里, a Class of ’67 gift now called Founder’s Garden. 坟墓位于鲍里斯·布莱尔雕刻的康威尔的巨大半身像后面.

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